The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 is a regulation of EU law on data protection and privacy for all persons in the European Union. It also deals with the export of personal data outside the EU. The purpose of the GDPR is primarily to enable citizens and residents to control their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international companies by standardizing the regulation within the EU.
The GDPR will change how personal information is collected, shared and used worldwide and has been described by experts as ambitious, complex and rigorous. All organizations will need to make changes to policies, processes, contracts, and technical and organizational compliance measures. In some cases, these changes can be complex and significant. Beyond the EU companies, the EU GDPR extends to companies outside the EU who offer goods or services for EU data subjects (“an identified or identifiable person to whom” personal data “refers), even if they are free of charge is behavior of data subjects within the EU.
Our team of subject matter experts in the field of data protection can provide your organization with a range of best practice solutions, from assessing your GDPR compliance position, to developing a solution roadmap, to implementing an optimal data compliance framework. Whether you are an SME or a multinational company, we can customize our GDPR services to your specific needs.
- Gap Analysis: Perform detailed assessment that shows your organization’s current GDPR compliance position and possible solutions to address the gaps and mitigate the risks;
- Data Flow Audit: Prepare an inventory of the personal data held and shared by your organisation, and a data flow map of your processes.
- Data Protection Impact assessment (DPIA): Perform an assessment of the data protection risks associated with your new process and a corrective plan to mitigate those risks.
- GDPR Implementation Services: Support in aligning your existing data protection programme to the GDPR.
This includes:
- Data protection frameworks
- Policies and procedures
- Data processor management
- Information security
- Incident management
- International data transfers
- Compliance documentation
In-house GDPR Training and Awareness: Deliver awareness sessions specifically customized to your organisation’s requirements.
Cyber Incident Response Management: Assist in defining and implementing an effective incident response approach.